作者: ug945 (ug945) 看板: Baseball
標題: Fw: [情報] 蔣智賢被DFA
時間: Sun Jun 17 06:51:40 2012

※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1FtGtWzK ]

作者: ug945 (ug945) 看板: MLB
標題: [情報] 蔣智賢被DFA
時間: Sun Jun 17 06:51:09 2012


The Mariners announced today that they have designated outfielder Chih-Hsien
Chiang for assignment. Oliver Perez was selected from Triple-A Tacoma in a
corresponding 40-man-roster move.

Chiang, 24, was acquired by the M's in the three-way swap that sent Erik
Bedard to the Red Sox prior to last summer's non-waiver trade deadline. The
left-handed hitter posted a .242/.273/.342 line in 59 games at Double-A and
Triple-A this season, a poor showing after a promising 2011 in which he
302/.361/.537 in Boston's and Seattle's organizations.


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: ug945 (, 時間: 06/17/2012 06:51:40
Fengyeh:!! 06/17 06:52
Movice:昨天才在推讓他生 結果..... 06/17 06:54
ccmail:近4場不是打的不錯?來不及火起來就被丟了? 06/17 06:54
masao0103:水手....比小熊還另人無言 06/17 07:02
linih2002:兄弟要國之光輝還是屁"賢.... 06/17 07:09
maldini3:蛤~不是開始熱了嗎...這時候怎麼忽然間來這一步 06/17 07:09
svince88:這樣也被DFA....好慘 06/17 07:10
yoshro:可能摸到天花板了 06/17 07:21
yankeefat:屍毒有被排出的跡象 不再適合待在水手了 06/17 07:32
loperHuang:不意外 球團也不是傻蛋 能力到哪早就知道了 06/17 07:33
benjibest:DFA只是清出空間的正常程序,緊張啥 06/17 07:36
funnyboy0717:哭哭 06/17 07:36
xdd1524:DFA又不是被丟,球團只是要清出40人名單給別人 06/17 07:40
benjibest:幾天後又會回到陣容中啊,只是移出40人而已 06/17 07:40
rookiebear:所以這樣算球團不重視它嗎? 06/17 07:45
yankeefat:如果能被其他球隊撿走也好 他一進水手狀況馬上下滑 06/17 07:46
LupinVI:哭哭 沒撐過一寄 加薪失敗 XD 06/17 07:52
lepidoptera:死屍太強了 06/17 08:00
ajay81104:哭哭.怎麼辦.岌岌可危了(配合推文XD) 06/17 08:26
knml:小熊快去撿啦 06/17 08:39


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